世界锦标赛3组 女子


The 2023 IIHF Women's World Championship Division III comprised two international ice hockey tournaments of the 2023 Women's Ice Hockey World Championships organised by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF).

The Group A tournament was played in Brașov, Romania, from 3 to 9 April, and the Group B tournament in Tnuvot, Israel, from 26 to 31 March 2023.

Hong Kong took the Group A tournament and got promoted, while Estonia was relegated to Group B. Serbia won the Group B tournament and was promoted to Group A.

这是一场世界级的女子冰球锦标赛,被称为“世界锦标赛3组 女子”。这项锦标赛将汇集来自世界各地的顶级女子冰球队伍,他们将在冰上展开激烈的角逐,争夺冠军的荣誉。比赛将在多个场馆进行,吸引了大批热爱冰球的观众前来观赛。这场锦标赛不仅是一场竞技体育盛事,更是展示女子冰球运动风采的绝佳机会。无论是球员的技术水平还是团队合作能力,都将在比赛中得到充分的展现。这场冰球锦标赛将为观众带来精彩纷呈的比赛,让人们感受到冰球运动的魅力和激情。无论是球迷还是运动员,都将在这场锦标赛中度过难忘的时刻。