The Divizia A is the second level of the Romanian men's professional handball system. The league comprises twenty one teams.


This sport was first played in Romania in 1920. After a visit in Germany, a few physical education teachers introduced this sport in their classes. The Divizia A was founded in 1933 (in 11 players) and in 1958 in the current format with 7 players. The current champions are Știința Municipal Bacău (Seria A) and CSM Oradea (Seria B).

罗马尼亚Divizia A是罗马尼亚的一项手球锦标赛。这个锦标赛是罗马尼亚最高级别的手球联赛,吸引了来自全国各地的顶级球队参加。Divizia A锦标赛每年举行一次,为期数个月。


罗马尼亚Divizia A锦标赛吸引了大量的观众和媒体关注,比赛现场气氛热烈。球迷们会穿着支持自己喜爱球队的服装,为他们加油助威。比赛期间,观众们可以欣赏到激烈的对抗、精彩的进球和紧张刺激的比分对决。

除了国内球队的竞争,罗马尼亚Divizia A锦标赛也吸引了一些国际球队的参与。这使得比赛更具竞争力和国际化,为球迷们带来更多精彩的对决。

总之,罗马尼亚Divizia A是一项备受瞩目的手球锦标赛,展示了罗马尼亚手球运动的精彩和激情。无论是球员还是观众,都能在这个锦标赛中体验到手球运动的魅力和激烈竞争的乐趣。