The Turkish Women's Basketball Presidential Cup (Turkish: Kadınlar Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kupası), or Turkish Women's Basketball Super Cup, is the professional basketball women's club super cup competition that takes place each year in Turkey. It usually takes place between the winners of the Turkish Women's Super League and the winners of the Turkish Cup. If the same team wins both the Turkish League and the Turkish Cup in the same season, then the competition takes place between the two league finalists from the Turkish League.

土耳其超级杯 女子是土耳其女子篮球比赛中最重要的锦标赛之一。这项比赛每年举行一次,吸引了土耳其顶级女子篮球俱乐部的参与。比赛通常在夏季进行,为球迷们带来了一场精彩的篮球盛宴。

土耳其超级杯 女子是一项高水平的比赛,参赛队伍包括土耳其女子篮球超级联赛中的顶级球队。这些球队都拥有实力强大的球员和教练团队,他们在比赛中展现出了出色的篮球技巧和战术。


土耳其超级杯 女子不仅是一项竞技比赛,也是球迷们聚集的地方。比赛期间,球迷们可以感受到激烈的比赛氛围,与其他篮球爱好者一起为自己支持的球队加油助威。

总之,土耳其超级杯 女子是土耳其女子篮球界最重要的锦标赛之一,为球迷们带来了一场精彩的篮球盛宴。无论是球员的实力还是比赛的氛围,都让人难以忘怀。