欧洲锦标赛 19岁以下 女子


The European Women's U-19 European Handball Championship is the official competition for junior women's national handball teams of Europe. Organized by the European Handball Federation, it takes place every two years. The competition received its current name in 2004, until then it was known as the European Women's Junior Handball Championship.

In addition to crowning the European champions, the tournament also serves as a qualifying tournament for the Women's Junior World Handball Championship.

这是一场名为“欧洲锦标赛 19岁以下 女子”的手球比赛。比赛将在欧洲举行,参赛选手年龄限制在19岁以下,并且是女子组别。这场锦标赛将汇集来自欧洲各地的优秀年轻手球运动员,他们将在比赛中展示出精湛的技巧和无限的潜力。这是一个展示年轻女子手球实力的绝佳机会,观众们可以期待看到激烈的比赛、精彩的进球和紧张刺激的对抗。这场锦标赛不仅是一场竞技体育盛事,也是培养和发展年轻手球运动员的平台。无论是选手还是观众,都将在这场比赛中感受到手球运动的魅力和激情。