Kenya Ports Authority, commonly known as KPA, is a basketball club based in Mombasa, Kenya. Owned by the Kenya Ports Authority corporation, the team has competed in the KBF Premier League since first qualifying in 2008.

The team made their debut in international competitions during the 2002 FIBA Africa Clubs Champions Cup, losing all six games. In 2019, KPA made their debut in the Road to BAL competitions.

肯尼亚港务局篮球队(KPA)是一支位于蒙巴萨的肯尼亚职业篮球队,参加非洲篮球联赛 (BAL)。该队成立于 1980 年,是肯尼亚历史最悠久的篮球队之一。KPA 赢得了 12 个肯尼亚全国篮球联赛 (KBF) 冠军和 10 个肯尼亚全国篮球杯冠军。该队还四次参加非洲篮球冠军联赛,最好成绩是 2019 年获得亚军。

KPA 以其快速、高得分的比赛风格而闻名,该风格由其明星球员泰伦斯·奥马拉和本森·乌凯勒领导。奥马拉是肯尼亚国家队的成员,被认为是非洲最好的球员之一。乌凯勒是球队的主要得分手,场均得到 20 分。

KPA 是肯尼亚篮球的主要力量,也是非洲篮球联赛的竞争者。该队希望在未来几年继续取得成功,并成为非洲篮球的顶级球队之一。