The United Services Recreation Club (USRC) (Chinese: 三軍會; lit. 'three armed-forces club') is a club located on Gun Club Hill Barracks site at Gascoigne Road in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Originally it was a British colonial establishment but now is a property of the People's Liberation Army after they took over the barracks on 1 July 1997.


The club was founded in 1911 for the benefit of British officer-level personnel. It was considered one of the key social clubs for military officers. During the Japanese occupation, it was used by Japanese military personnel. Queen Elizabeth Hospital was built on the USRC's former golf course.

After the handover of Hong Kong to China, the land on which the USRC is located is now property of the PLA garrison. However, according to previous agreements the PLA has not intervened with the club's activities, and shares no profits. In 2011, a book was published called Trees of the United Services Recreation Club.

From the beginning, the club admitted civilian members in order to balance out the transient nature of the military population.

Today, the majority of members are civilians.

三军会板球队是成立于 2013 年的业余板球队,由一群来自中国大陆、香港、台湾、新加坡和马来西亚的华人组成。球队名称取自中国古代著名军事家诸葛亮曾提出的“三军合力,方能制胜”的军事思想,寓意着球队成员来自不同地区,但拥有着共同的目标和信念。

三军会板球队成立之初,只有十几名队员,但经过几年的发展,球队规模不断壮大,目前已超过 50 人。球队成员来自各个行业,有学生、教师、工程师、医生、商人等,年龄跨度从 18 岁到 50 岁不等。

三军会板球队是一支充满活力的球队,队员们不仅热爱板球运动,还将其作为一种文化交流和友谊建立的方式。球队经常参加国内和国际板球比赛,并取得了不俗的成绩。在 2015 年举行的中国业余板球锦标赛中,三军会板球队一路过关斩将,最终获得冠军。

