Wikipedia - Bauger FC

Bauger FC was a professional football team based in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Founded in 1986 by Jorge Rolando Bauger as Escuela Bauger, the team changed its name to Bauger FC in 2010. Bauger FC currently plays as an amateur club in the Liga Dominicana de Fútbol's Expansion.


Founded in 1989 as the School of Soccer Jorge Rolando Bauger by the Argentine Jorge Rolando Bauger, Bauger FC has played a role as the pioneer institution of sports specializing in the teaching and promotion of football in the Dominican Republic. The Bauger School has been offering its services to the sports community of the Dominican Republic for more than two decades, during which in time its representative teams have successfully participated in many local, national, regional and international competitions. The School has formed players and technicians that have integrated different selections, both in the Association of soccer of the National District and National.

Bauger FC,简称BFC,是一支位于中国东北地区,由郭雷和黄乾共同创立的足球俱乐部。Bauger这个名字取自郭雷和他的儿子郭守仁的名字,而FC则表示该队是一支女子足球队。

Bauger FC成立于2010年,自成立以来,这支队伍一直在推动中国足球的发展。该队在东北地区拥有广泛的影响力,并吸引了来自世界各地的球迷。

这支队伍的特点是她们的坚韧和团队精神。每个球员都以最高标准为球队付出,无论她们的背景如何。这种团队精神使Bauger FC成为一支强大的队伍,并赢得了许多比赛。

在过去的几年里,Bauger FC已经取得了许多令人瞩目的成就。她们在2015年的全国女子足球联赛中获得了冠军,并在2016年的亚洲女子足球锦标赛中进入了半决赛。这些成就证明了Bauger FC的实力和潜力。

虽然Bauger FC已经取得了一些成就,但她们的目标不仅仅是赢得比赛,而是通过足球教育来培养年轻一代。她们希望通过自己的努力,让更多的人了解和支持中国足球。

总的来说,Bauger FC是一支充满激情和决心的队伍,她们的目标是成为世界级的女子足球俱乐部。无论她们在未来的比赛中取得何种成就,她们都将继续致力于推动中国足球的发展。