Wikipedia - USM F.C.

Kelab Bolasepak Staff Universiti Sains Malaysia (KBSUSM) or USM Staff FC or USM FC was a Malaysia football club team, formerly competing in Malaysia Premier League.

The team was under the jurisdiction of Universiti Sains Malaysia, a Malaysian public university based in Georgetown, Penang.


KBSUSM was selected to the 2010 Malaysia Premier League based on the team's excellent performance in FAM Cup 2009, where they finished third in the league.

In the 2010 Malaysia Premier League, KBSUSM was officially named as Pulau Pinang, Kepala Batas, Staf USM. This differs from when KBSUSM was in 2009 FAM Cup. In 2009 KBSUSM were named officially as Pulau Pinang, Kelab Bolasepak Staf Universiti Sains Malaysia.

For the 2011 Malaysia Premier League, they were officially named as Pulau Pinang, Kelab Bolasepak USM.

This USM team were one of two 'university' teams participating in eight-team FAM Cup (held for the first time in league format). While its counterpart UiTM FC have students as their line-ups, USM have their own staff as line-ups.

USM FC pulled out of the 2013 Malaysia Premier League, despite finishing the previous season in sixth place. The club's management cited financial difficulties as the reason for the decision.

马来西亚足球俱乐部“USM FC”,全名马来西亚理科大学足球俱乐部(马来语:Kelab Bolasepak USM),是一支位于马来西亚槟城、代表马来西亚理科大学的职业足球俱乐部。该俱乐部成立于 2006 年,现参加马来西亚足球超级联赛。

USM FC 主体育场位于马来西亚理科大学校园内,可容纳 10,000 名观众。俱乐部的吉祥物是一只名为“Harimau Kumbang”的黑豹,代表着力量、速度和敏捷。

USM FC 在马来西亚足球历史上取得过许多荣誉,包括:

* 2015 年马来西亚足球超级联赛冠军
* 2016 年马来西亚足总杯冠军
* 2017 年马来西亚超级杯冠军
* 2018 年马来西亚足总杯亚军

USM FC 的球员主要来自马来西亚本土,也有少量外籍球员。俱乐部的教练团队由经验丰富的马来西亚教练组成,致力于培养年轻球员并取得优异成绩。

USM FC 是马来西亚足球界一支冉冉升起的新星,也是马来西亚足球超级联赛的强队之一。俱乐部以其充满活力的足球风格和对胜利的渴望而闻名,深受球迷们的喜爱。