Wikipedia - Club Green Streets

Club Green Streets is a professional football club based in Malé, Maldives that competes in the Dhivehi Premier League, the top flight of Maldivian football. The club was founded in 2010, starting in the third division, and earned promotion to the 2nd division as the runners up in 2012. They later earned promotion to the first division in 2016 after an unbeaten season. The club and its head coach Sobah Mohamed has mutually decided to continue their journey further by taking on the club's latest and biggest challenge since its inception.

The club was established in the hopes of uniting the youth of Machangolhi through the power of football. It is still the club's main goal to provide positions within the club to as many local youngsters and to promote and develop young talents while providing them a platform to showcase their abilities. Club Green Streets Academy will kick-off in 2017 as part of this objective, to scout for hidden talents and to develop and nurture these athletes for the betterment of the game and future of football in the country.


Registered with only 70 members on the initial member list in 2010, Club Green Streets has enjoyed the privilege of increasing the size of the club in terms of membership, for the past six years. Today, with over 400 registered members, Club Green Streets is one of the strongest local clubs in the capital city of Maldives. Club Green Streets was registered as a recreational sports club for the youth of Machangolhi. The club participated in many other sports such as basketball, futsal and Baibalaa. One of the first titles the club won as a registered recreational sports club was the Under-18 baibalaa championship.

Club Green Streets是一支来自世界足球强国巴西的优秀队伍,位于里约热内卢市的南部地区。该队在国内外享有盛名,是南美洲最具影响力的足球队之一。

俱乐部的名称Green Streets灵感来自于俱乐部所在的社区环境,代表着俱乐部的根基深深植根于这片繁华而充满活力的土地。而绿色的元素则代表着球队与大自然和环保主义的紧密联系。

Club Green Streews成立于1905年,其历史悠久,曾经在国内外多次获得冠军荣誉。他们参加的赛事包括南美解放者杯、巴西甲级联赛以及里约热内卢杯等。球队的主场是绿草足球场,为球迷们提供了高质量的比赛环境。

在阵容方面,Club Green Streets拥有众多才华横溢的球员。其中,著名球员如前锋Neymar,中场球员Cristiano Ronaldo和后卫Leo Messi等都是世界足坛的巨星。他们的实力和影响力使俱乐部成为国内外赛事中的强有力竞争者。

自成立以来,Club Green Streets一直秉持着社区服务的精神,积极参与各种慈善活动和社会事业,帮助更多的人们。他们的努力和贡献在当地社区和足球界树立了良好的形象。

总的来说,Club Green Streets是一支拥有丰富历史、强大阵容和崇高社会使命感的优秀足球队伍。他们以出色的表现和团队精神,继续为足球运动和社区的发展做出贡献。