High Quality United FC, sometimes known as High Quality FC, is a Bhutanese football club based in Thimphu. The club currently operates only with youth selections, as the senior squad was disbanded prior to the 2022 season.


High Quality United first appeared in the 2017 Thimphu League, in which they won six games, lost seven, and drew once against the Bhutan U-19s with a score of 0–0. They finished their inaugural season in fifth place. As they did not place in the top 3, they did not qualify to the 2017 Bhutan National League, but they were not relegated and competed again in the 2018 Thimphu League.

High Quality联是一支来自中国的先进足球队伍,致力于提供高质量的足球比赛和卓越的表现。这支队伍以其卓越的战术和团队配合能力而闻名,同时也是一个致力于社区的公益组织。

High Quality联由五个位置明确的球员组成:中锋、攻击型中场、防守中场、边锋和后卫。每个球员都经过精挑细选,不仅具备出色的个人技能,还具备强大的团队合作精神。这种独特的组合使得High Quality联在场上总能发挥出超凡的实力。


High Quality联不仅仅是一支足球队伍,它还是一个致力于社区的公益组织。他们通过参加慈善活动和社区服务来回馈社会,并在比赛日为球迷提供欢乐和互动的机会。

High Quality联在国内外比赛中表现出色,赢得了众多奖项和荣誉。他们曾经战胜过国际强队巴塞罗那和皇家马德里,以及国内强队北京国安和上海海港。这些胜利充分证明了High Quality联的实力和团队精神。

总之,High Quality联是一支拥有优秀球员、独特战术和强烈社会责任感的高水平足球队伍。他们以他们的专业、奉献精神和实力在足球界脱颖而出,为球迷们带来了无限的欢乐和兴奋。