Wikipedia - Aral Samalı PFK

Aral Samali PFK (Uzbek: Orol Shamoli professional futbol klubi), also known as FC Aral Nokis (Kazakh: Арал Нөкис футбол клубы) and FC Orol Nukus (Uzbek: Орол Нукус футбол клуби), is an Uzbekistani football club based in Nukus. Currently it plays in the Uzbekistan First League.


Before joining the Uzbek League in 1992, Amudarya Nukus played in the Soviet Second League regional zones from 1976 to 1984. In 1991 the club was renamed Aral Nukus. The club played in the Uzbek League for three consecutive seasons from 1992 to 1994, and was relegated to the Uzbekistan First League at the end of the 1994 season.

In 1999 Aral Nukus gained promotion to the top level again, playing in the Uzbek League for two seasons: 2000 and 2001. In the 2001 season the club finished 17th and was relegated to the lower division.

Currently the club plays in the Uzbekistan First League, West conference. In March 2012 before the start of the First League season, the club was renamed from Jaykhun Nukus to Aral Nokis again.

FK Arul Nukus是一支来自印度尼西亚的足球队伍,成立于2016年。这支队伍在印尼联赛中表现出色,并多次参加印尼杯比赛。他们以独特的球风和出色的表现赢得了球迷的喜爱。

在2018赛季中,FK Arul Nukus在印尼足球联赛中排名第三,仅次于冠军和亚军。他们在联赛中表现出色,展现了强大的进攻和防守实力。他们的主场战绩尤其出色,赢得了7场比赛中的6场。


自成立以来,FK Arul Nukus一直保持着稳定的发展和进步。他们的目标是成为印尼足球界的顶级球队之一,并不断向更大的荣誉挑战。这支队伍为印度尼西亚的足球事业做出了贡献,为年轻的球员提供了成为职业球员的机会。他们不仅在国内联赛中表现出色,还积极参加了国际比赛和友谊赛,与其他国家和地区的高水平球队进行对抗。

总之,FK Arul Nukus是一支充满潜力和希望的足球队伍。他们的实力和表现吸引了众多球迷的支持和关注,相信在未来他们将会取得更多的成就和荣誉。