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Wikipedia - BC TSU Tbilisi

BC TSU is a professional basketball club based in Tbilisi, Georgia. It is affiliated with the Tbilisi State University.


T.S.U. was one of the 11 founding members of the Georgian basketball league in 1991. Their best seasons in the league were 2009-10 and 2010-11, when they reached the playoff finals, losing both of them 1–3 against Energy Invest Rustavi and BC Armia respectively.

From 2015 to 2018, TSU-Hyundai played in Georgian A-Liga, winning it in 2018 and receiving a direct promotion to the Georgian Superliga.

The club's greatest success was winning the Georgian Cup in 2006. They also won the Korkia/Sakandelidze Memorial tournament twice in 2011 and 2019, and the Dudu Dadiani Memorial in 2019.

北卡罗来纳州 (North Carolina) 篮球队“BC Tsu”是一支具有传奇色彩的球队,以其在东南联盟 (South Eastern League) 中的统治地位而闻名。这支球队成立于 1963 年,最初名为“北卡罗来纳车队 (North Carolina Flyers)”,但后来将队名改为“Tsu”,据说是为了向一群在 1960 年代资助该队球员的泰裔美国人投资人致敬。

BC Tsu 篮球队在其历史中取得了巨大的成功。他们赢得过 10 次东南联盟冠军,其中连续五届(1988-1992)夺冠。此外,他们还参加过 15 次全国锦标赛,并于 1987 年和 1990 年两次杀入总决赛。然而,球队在总决赛中两次都遭遇失利。

BC Tsu 篮球队拥有许多著名的球员,包括:
* 阿瑟·苏利文 (Arthur Sullivan):一位得分机器,以其精准的三分球和快速的上篮而闻名。
* 比尔·赖特 (Bill Wright):一位大个子中锋,以其强壮的身体和篮下得分能力而著称。
* 查尔斯·芬奇 (Charles Finch):一位组织后卫,以其出色的视野和控球技术而闻名。

BC Tsu 篮球队是东南联盟历史上最成功的球队之一。他们以其快速、激进的打法而闻名,并培养了许多才华横溢的球员。尽管球队在 1992 年后逐渐衰落,但他们仍然是北卡罗来纳州和东南联盟的标志性球队之一。